Acorn Treasure


Little kids are some of the silliest creatures. And sometimes also the wisest.

I’ve recently started working with some preschoolers, and for part of the day they play out on the playground. The majority of the time, they’re running shrieking from the ‘monster’, with their tousled hair and wide grin peeking over the edge of playground as they beg me to come catch them. But eventually their energy (somewhat) runs out, and I can convince them to sit down and give themselves (and I) a break. And so they sit, in the oddest-looking positions, digging and dumping mulch on their little jeans and cowboy boots. And in their rummaging, they find something.

“Treasure!” He cries, holding up tight a clenched little hand for me to see. Stumbling over himself in his eagerness, he runs, and opens, to show his precious cargo. An acorn.

And of course, I smile, nod, and say “Oh, very nice!” And he grins and bounces off. But the next moment, he pipes up again, “Treasure!” “Treasure!” Again and again he pounces, digging about in the mulch, happily depositing them on the ground in front of me. Soon the other kids come over and sit on the ground, and half a dozen high-pitched voices are announcing: “Treasure!” “Treasure!” “More Treasure!”

And it is the best thing. Now, I take the time to point out how this acorn is smooth and shiny, and how this one has an unique striping, or how that one is so little and cute, but it’s not that big of a difference to the kids. They have simply decided that acorns are treasure. So treasure they are.

And they do this, every day. Every day, they will busy themselves digging for acorns. Every day, they will twitter together over treasure. Every day they be delighted by this tiny thing. An acorn.

And so I’m challenging myself to be more like my kiddos. Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, rejoice. (Phil 4:4) I want to be elated over every little blessing God has given me. I want to be filled with joy over the little beauties of this world. I want to give thanks always for all things (Eph 5:20), including the everyday ones I usually overlook. Because often the best things in life are the smallest.

So what are my treasures today?

Toasted English muffins with butter

Conversations about deep topics with friends old and new

Lavender soap

The patterns the shadow of leaves make on the ground

Being able to see the Milky Way clearly

The ease of the wonders of formatting on technology

Good pens that write smoothly ( ❤ )

How your hair feels when it’s all brushed out and smooth

3-hour long soothing instrumental music

And, acorns.


What are your acorn treasures today?



14 thoughts on “Acorn Treasure

  1. Hey! I found your blog from your Rebelution article (which was so good) and I’m really enjoying reading back through it. Today my treasures are a silent house, coffee, Psalms, the sound of my laptop keys clicking, and the feel of a fleece blanket on my legs. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Good pens – so true! Thanks for sharing your heart and hearing when the Lord speaks to you! My treasures today: blanket forts and tents ALL over my house; big kids playing with their younger siblings; cooler weather and homemade soup; productive day!

    Keep writing what He lays on your heart!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Such a wonderful reminder to appreciate the little things!

    My acorn treasures for this morning are:
    -Wearing my new BB t-shirt for the first time.
    -Eating breakfast on the patio.
    -Reading this blog post. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Beautiful fellowship with close friends. Delicious dinners of leftovers. Finding a Sharpie I didn’t know I had. Other accents and languages. Chocolate my mom bought me.

    Thank you for this post, Belle! It was a much needed reminder… =)

    Liked by 2 people

  5. My acorns: A notebook, and pencil, God’s hope, and the ability to trust Him with our endeavors when they aren’t going as planned; like-minded people, and food (right now I am just REALLY hungry :))….

    Ironically this is the second email I opened in a row that contained a question of what I am thankful for.

    Liked by 2 people

    • They are! Ok, confession, I absolutely love your list, but I was confused by the stickers part. That is what our family calls burs and those pesky poky seeds, so it took me a moment to realize what you meant! 😀 But, the Bible does say to give thanks for all things, and I guess that includes both poky and lovely paper stickers!

      Liked by 2 people

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